(Daniel) Seokju Yun

Personal website for documenting my (cs) life!
Currently a 5th year student at Northeastern University.

Github LinkedIn Resume daseyun@gmail.com



Track your fridge to reduce unnecessary purchases,
keep tabs on expiring items, and discover new recipes!
React Native App.

Github: Frigloo



A lightweight fitness tracker.
Create workout routines, log exercise results, and visualize data.
Responsive web-app built in Django/React/PostgreSQL.

Github: aliftAPI

N Puzzle Solver

Number puzzle (15 puzzle) game solver using A* algorithm implementation.
Manhattan distance heuristic is used.
Built in Java.
Note: Increase the memory for the program for faster performance.

Github: puzzleSolver


CLI recipe database for finding recipes.
Search recipes by its name or ingredients of the recipe.
Sort recipes by various elements: total estimated cost, number of ingredients required,
cook time, and more.
Built with Java, JDBC and MySQL.

Github: cook_me

Reddit Feed Retriever API

RestAPI for fetching latest popular posts on different subreddits.
Ability to get list of all stored items and perform crud via reference by generated uid.
Built with Express/Node.js. Tested using Mocha/Chai

Github: reddit-feed-retriever-api

Ask the magic 8 ball a question!